
Make meditation and mindfulness part of your everyday life through our science-backed, experiential and practical courses. They are all designed to help you establish and maintain your own mindfulness practice so that you can begin to cope better with stress, whatever its nature or source.

Whether you are looking for a group course or one-to-one sessions, at work or in a different environment, we can accommodate and customize to different formats to better meet your needs.



8-week Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction

Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (or MBSR) is the most recognised and well-established mindfulness course, born out of the University of Massachusetts Medical Center.  This eight-week course combines mindfulness meditation practices, gentle stretching and mindful movement, group dialogue and discussion, home practice and a full-day retreat. The full-day retreat will include a variety of mindfulness meditation practices, a shared silent lunch, tasty tea and an opportunity to connect at the end of the day.

A version of MBSR can also be taught one to one, so get in touch if this would be your preferred option.



Mindfulness In The Workplace

Whether you’re looking to increase performance, resilience, emotional intelligence or focus, or to better manage stress in your organization, our corporate offering can help you and your team. We offer taster workshops, Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction or MBSR, one-to-one training, customized mindfulness at work courses and keynote presentations.

But every business is different, so if you have a particular objective in mind do get in touch so that we can explore it together.



One to one Mindfulness Mentoring

You can develop new ways to live more mindfully through a series of one-to-one sessions over Google Hangouts or Skype. We will review your needs together at an initial consultation, to be followed by six individual sessions where we will explore a series of mindfulness practices and the process of reflection and self-enquiry.



Mindful Eating

Eating mindfully is not about dieting or giving up anything at all. It is about bringing our full attention to what and how we eat, the experience of eating and our feelings, physical cues and behaviours around food. Through one-to-one, mindfulness-based eating awareness sessions, we will explore tools, practices and the science behind eating habits to change them.



Workshops and Events

If you want a presentation on mindfulness or the research on mindfulness for your event, conference or wellness week at work, get in touch. Adapting length and content we will find the most appropriate format for your event.